Saturday, January 15, 2022

It's Been Awhile...

So it's been forever and a day since I wrote, now that I look at the date... from November 2020, to today, January 15, 2022... a little over a year since I was on here typing a blog like this.  A lot has changed, but before I get into that, let me start you off with a funny little story from last week...

So at the farm, I'm still not used to when things are open / closed, how long things to order / come in, and so on and so forth.  

So, the last time I was picking up an order at the feed mill (which is conveniently 3 miles down the same street that we live on), I asked if they would be able to order in a few other things.  You see, while they are a feed mill, they mill mostly larger animal feed, but can order in a variety of stuff.  Somewhere in there, they had called me back, said that they *could* get the items I was looking for, and quoted a price.  I had told them how much I wanted to order, and they said they would call when it came in.

So a couple days later, I'm in the middle of some chin-related task, and I get a call from the feed mill -- hey, your order is in.  Now, they always ask when you're going to come get it, so they know whether they should leave it easily accessible (if you're coming today), or if they can bury it (if you're not coming for a week).  So, knowing they ask this, I ask what their hours are that day and they tell me they'll be open until 5, but if I don't make it (that whopping 3 miles, you know...), they're also open the following day (Saturday) from 9-12.

So I make a mental note that I'm going to the feed mill later and resume my day... until like 7 pm when I realize, op! never went to the feed mill *facepalm*

So, following morning, I am heading out to the barn and the phone rings -- a fellow chin breeder calling about chin stuff.  We're talking about treatment for ringworm and I mention that I have had a difficult time finding this one product, so she suggests for me to ask the feed store....

...and you know there's that momentary pause before it clicks in my head -- I NEVER WENT TO THE FEED MILL!!

I look at the clock, it is 11:40 am, and they close at 12.  Never in my life has it been so convenient that I live 3 miles down the road, so I got my car keys, hopped in the van, and made it there with 7 minutes to spare.  

I don't even think we started loading (due to having to go inside to pay, then pull the van around, then clear room in the van) until after noon... thankfully this is a feed mill in a small town!

Next time, I will remember better.  I hope.

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