I know I've talked about this many times before, but I really think people don't read. Or maybe, if I'm nice... they read, but don't retain a thing.
I have had people tell me, on the way here, they read the care packet. And then said oh yeah I can't wait to give my chins fruits.
I understand, we can't remember everything. I get it, I do. Maybe we should start thinking of it as "allergies" or something. Course, I have friends that don't remember I have a nut allergy, and offer me peanut M&M's all the time... but that's beside the fact. If you are a parent, and your kid has an allergy, surely you remember, right, and surely you don't give the kid what they're allergic to, right? Why? Well, because you don't want them to suffer from ill effects.
Well, it's the same with chins and fruits and veggies. Or chins with plastic. Or chins with whatever else they shouldn't have.
I actually feel like chinchillas are relatively simple in their requirements. Not saying everyone agrees with that, but when I have a guinea pig or a rabbit, I need to actually go and look up, ok is this veggie good for them? Some are, some aren't. So you have to KNOW which ones are and which ones aren't, or constantly look it up.
With chins it's easy -- NO fruits, NO veggies. To me, that makes it so much simpler.
Same with treats... people are always asking what they can give as treats... so I tell them, the human foods would be things like cheerios, unfrosted wheat squares, old fashioned oats... for non-human items, it's mostly dried flowers and herbs. Again, I find this relatively simple.
But you know I get all these questions about, well what about this seed treat? No. What about this dandelion drop? No. What about this yogurt treat? No. What about this thing with carrots in it? No. Can I give my chin a piece of my dinner? Double no.
Like I said, to me, I find it easy to care for them because there ARE restrictions. I guess I need someone to explain to me WHY people know the restrictions and yet feel the need to still want to give EVVVVVVVVVVVVERYTHING else out there, as well. To me, it's easier to say, here's the limited list of things they can have. If it's not on the list, don't give it....
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