Monday, June 10, 2019

Fungus in Chinchillas

So, if you've ever heard me talk about fungus, you basically know that it's sort of like the common cold for chinchillas.  It's basically always around, just waiting for the right moment.  It's nothing overly serious, as long as it's treated of course. 

If we have chinchillas with fungus, they are treated and are fungus-free before leaving for their new homes.  But... not everyone, and especially not pet stores, are the same way.  Here's a chin I saw at a pet store awhile back:

See how the nose is bald and kind of flaky?  That is fungus.

Fungus, in chinchillas, is a ringworm infection.  It is about the ONLY thing that we can catch from our fluffy furballs.  So, when we have a chinchilla with fungus here, we make sure to wash out hands after touching the chinchilla, and before we touch other chinchillas, or really, anything else.  To keep it from spreading, fungus needs to be dried out.  It usually starts around the nose / eyes, because it is, well, fungus... and requires some moisture, at least to start out. 

It is a misconception that chinchillas get fungus JUST from being wet.  Sure, if you drench a chin and don't dry it properly, they can get fungus.  But not because they're wet, per se.  It's because their fur is so thick that it can hold the moisture close to their skin, which can cause the fungus to take hold.  Otherwise, all the chins that like to sit under the dripping water bottle would all have fungus too, and let me share a secret with you... they don't.  Chins get wet (here and there... not like drenched) all the time, and they're just fine.

Fungus is easily treatable!  No need for a vet visit even, you can buy athlete's foot powder such as desenex or tinactin.  Sprinkle it in the dust, like you'd sprinkle powdered sugar over a pastry, and give the dust (with powder sprinkles) once a day for 1-2 weeks.  You should see fur stubble within a week or two.  Usually this will take care of it. 

Fungus isn't harmful, per se... think of it like chicken pox.  It itches... but it's more of an irritation than anything else.  That's how fungus is.  It doesn't look pretty, but the chin isn't actually in pain or anything.  Just a minor skin infection that can easily be cleared up.  That is all.

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