Sunday, July 13, 2014


I was talking to someone today about this person on my waiting list that has two chins they want to bring in.  One of the chins has a medical condition, an ongoing one.  Not malo, not an expensive thing to manage, but something that will, undoubtedly make her more difficult to adopt out.  And I was telling someone about this, and how this specific person has been keeping in contact waiting to bring their chins in.  They're not first on the list, and they've been on the list for over 7 months now (in case you were wondering just how slow adoptions have been).  But they keep me updated on how the chins are doing and they just recently got me the vet records for this chin .

And so this person I was talking to asked me, why I even gave this person with the chins hope.  They said, with how the rescue's running out of money, why do you even talk to this person and give them hope that they're going to bring their chins in?  You know why?  Because they are going to bring their chins in.  There will be a rescue for them to bring their chins to.  How that rescue's going to be financed, if things continue to go this way, I'm not sure.  But it will be here.

I brought this rescue up from nothing once upon a time.  I can do it again.  

I will remember -- This is a test.  This is only a test.  This too shall pass.  

I'm still looking up.
P.S.  I kinda wish I could put background music on this blogpost, but I'm pretty sure that's out of the realm of things I can do, even though I do have a lot of options.  But I can imbed the video.  So, if I could, this would be the background music of this post:

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