So, I've gotten a couple of these lately, and I'm curious what these mean... for example...
Me: When are you wanting to come see the chin? (or cage, or whatever?)
Them: I'm in Chicago.
I suppose, to the person saying it, they know exactly what it means. But word to the wise, not everyone does.
Does this mean, "I'm in Chicago, so I'm closeby and can come any time" OR "I'm in Chicago, so that is WAY TOO FAR, I won't come at all," OR "I'm in Chicago, so I'm letting you know how long it will take me to get there"? The thing is, I don't know, and there's almost never any context to tell me which one it is.
So often, I just repeat the question... so, when are you wanting to come by?
In no way am I saying this to make fun of people or anything of the sort... just sometimes I think that we think we're communicating clearly... and sometimes we're not, and need to think about how others may read what we write. That is all.
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