Thursday, April 25, 2019

Guest Writer - Playtime!

Hey everyone! It's Chris again. Let's talk a controversial topic in the chinchilla world.... play time. I'm sure Ashley has discussed this before, but I'm sure it helps to hear another person's perspective!

Now... I'm not a breeder or rescue worker like Ashley, but I AM a longtime chinchilla owner. I've had chinchillas for 12 years now. I've owned a total of 12 chinchillas over that span (8 currently). I learned much of the good information I know now from Ashley, and reputable chinchilla forums online, and now I'm a member of multiple groups on social media. I've been around the block as a chinchilla owner, so I feel confident in the advice I give.
One huge myth that is often stated for chinchillas is that they need an hour (or more) of "out of the cage" play time everyday. If you don't think too hard about it, or are an inexperienced chin owner, this sounds like a good idea. It's a great way for them to stretch their legs, interact with their owner, and just have some fun... right? The pet store will probably even tell you to do this. However if you discuss this with breeders, hardly ANY of the reputable ones will advise you to do this. Why? That's a great question...

Let's look at the most obvious reason why first. Look at the chinchilla. what's the most unique feature about your chinchilla? It's that thick soft furry coat it has, right? Now, can you imagine putting on a fur coat, and then being expected to run around for 60 minutes and not get too hot? It doesn't sound like much fun, does it? Overheating happens very often in chinchillas during playtime, and we see this leading to seizures, dehydration or lethargy.
Next, people usually want to do playtime with chinchillas so they can interact with them, which is understandable. But how often do you simply sit on the floor and let your chinchilla run around you? Probably not often. You probably stand up or move around or do something while your chinchilla is out and about. I can't tell you how many times I've heard horror stories of people stepping on their chinchillas during play time, or falling on top of them, or other accidents like this. You think it won't happen to you, but honestly, unless you're sitting on your butt and not moving, there's a chance.

Next, think about the space in which you're doing play time. Do your Chinchillas have a whole room to run? Then I guarantee it... they will find something to chew on. An electrical cord, a wall, carpet, anything. None of these things are safe for chins to eat! "No worries" you say, "I use an exercise pen! It's safe!". Oh yeah? Well, how tall is it? Because mine is 3 ft tall and I have regularly had chinchillas jump to the top. Luckily we don't take our eyes off of them for a second, so when this happens, we react immediately to grab them or tap them to jump back into the pen.

Ok, so you finally believe me. Playtime can be dangerous. So what do you do instead? I interact with mine in the cage! Critter/Ferret nation cages are wonderful, so I can open up both doors to be able to touch, pet, scratch and "play" with my chins in the comfort and safety of their own cage. And they love it! I get more interaction in their cage than I do when/if they are OUT of their cage. Try it, you might be surprised!

If you absolutely still MUST do playtime... please do it as safely as possible. Make sure the temp of the room is LOW so there is no overheating. AC is a MUST in the summer! Keep it short.... only a few minutes. Keep their area small and safe... nothing to chew on. Use an exercise pen with a flat floor surface (no carpet). And if you are inside the area, plant yourself and don't move!

And as always.... ASK if you have questions!

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