So, today started out with an adoption, our 3 year old female ebony went to her new home. Her new family named her Ebony.
Later I took down stuff that had piled up upstairs for the basement. Organized stuff that was already down there. Put away toy parts, toilet paper rolls, all sorts of fun stuff. Put up three edstrom bottles on cages. Took the swings that I bought from Christine at Twilight -- put up one. Was going to put up the other but got distracted. Christine sent other smaller swings as donations, so I put those up in the other cages.
I cut the wood for the two custom hidey houses. Nothing else, just cut it. Moved onto cutting up some scrap wood. When I cut the wood, I use a respirator and goggles, but I still always get the particles in my eyes, and at some point, my contacts were bothering me bad enough, so I had to stop cutting.
Took out the contacts, rinsed out eyes, put on glasses, and went back down. I decided today was a good day to cut the last piece of the guinea pig shaving guard, and so I did. About an inch too short. Had some choice words with that piece of wood, cut it again, the right size that time, and nailed it on. Hopefully that will help with the neverending shavings coming out the front of that cage.
Was still trying to move things downstairs and ran across the box of the toy parts which finally arrived. The guy had taken two trash bags and loaded them up with the toy parts. I wanted to get them all in a smaller (non-falling-apart box) and originally tried just taking the two bags and putting em in. Ah, no. One barely bit and that was sticking all the way out. So, I took all the toy parts out of the two bags, put them in neat little rows and lined them all up in the smaller box. My mom helped with the second bag, which made it go way quicker.
Having those nicely organized and in place, I took some down and sanded and drilled them. Was able to finish making enough of the fun chewies toys to fill the drawer. Sanded some additional toy parts and bagged those up.
I also had two bags of the buttons I was using for the snowman eyes/nose/mouth, but un-dyed. Pulled out the black and orange food coloring so I colored those so I could put those away. So those are drying at the moment.
Also handed out the Christmas toys today. I know, I know, Christmas was... like 3 weeks ago, so I'm a bit behind. Pictures below. Excuse the poos....I didn't want to further put off handing out toys due to poos in the pictures.
Myshkin (left) & Molly (right) |
beige female |
another beige female |
beige male |
Carlos (rescue) |
Chile (rescue) |
Diva |
Dreamz | |
ebony female (rescue) |
Gigi (rescue) |
Gypsy |
Gypsy's mosaic male |
homo beige female |
Lacey (left) & Pixie (right) |
Lacey (left) & Poppy (right) |
Lexi |
Nikki (doesn't she look good? this is the chin that was scalped by another female awhile back) |
Owl |
Peanut (rescue) |
mosaic female (look at that face! such a cute puffball) |
pink white female |
Toby |
Winx |
...and here's Winx's cage with the additions....
Overstimulated? Naaaaaaaaaah. |
Ok, ok, I acknowledge, it's awfully busy in that cage. And he's the only chin who's being deprived of a wheel right now, which he used to ADORE. But I don't want to take anything out, so my only way to fit it all is to spread it out... and I actually have a few more things that should go in that cage, but, no room.... So... I'm thinking he's going to get that whole double CN to himself again. I think I'm gonna open up the bottom so he can go down there and move some of this stuff down there. And there's a wheel in the bottom and I can put other fun stuff in here.
One more pic of him on the new swing...
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