So, you know how the past few days I've been saying "oh its been busy..." and that has entailed mostly me just doing stuff around the rescue... well, I guess the world wanted to show me what busy really is... because tomorrow....
I have a 10 am appointment for someone who is bringing a chin to hopefully find a companion for.
I have an 11 am appointment for one of the young standard females to be adopted.
I have a noon appointment for someone to adopt the younger violet male.
Also at noon, my volunteer is coming by to help.
I have a 1 pm appointment for someone who wants to come by and look at chins.
I have a 2 pm supply pickup.
Somewhere around 4-4:30, I have someone else coming by to purchase a cage (already have it on the side for them) and to look at chins.
Going to actually be a busy busy day.
So to head off the disaster that will invariably happen when the first person comes shows up a half hour late and the second person shows up a half hour early and throw everything off right from the start.... I am trying to get some paperwork in order... now. The two chins that I KNOW are going home, I have written out their pickup forms, adoption contracts, and (what I know of) their invoices. Already got a care packet printed out and paperclipped to those.
For the other available chins, I'm writing out pickup forms, so even if they do end up adopted and I need to do more, I won't be hunting for birthdays (cause that's listed on the pickup form). I believe (*fingers crossed*) that all of my older rescue chins that are available already have pickup forms done. I guess I will find out tomorrow.... Printed out four more care packets just in case I don't have some downstairs (and if I do, hey, I have extras!), and also got three more adoption forms, because three of the people want to decide if they want to adopt before filling it out. Alrighty, well, I have it ready should they decide to adopt.
I need to baggie up some mazuri in the 2 pound bags and I was going to do that today, but then realized that that would require me taking a bag of food down... so that will happen in the actual morning before these people come.... but for now, I'm going to go to bed....
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