Sunday, March 18, 2012

Frito has left the building!

So, today, Frito went to his new home!  Yaaaay!!!  Erin and her boyfriend(?) came here today and were looking at Frito.  They had him out of his cage and were holding him, between the two of them, for a good hour.  He was sitting so nicely for them for most of the time!  And of course squirming for the rest, but being a good boy.  He did nip a few times, which had turned some people off from him in the past, but these two didn't seem fazed a bit.  They said they really liked him, and they ended up taking him home!  And so they have a cage with wooden shelves for him and they picked out a chew toy for him and he was sent home with a checkered flag hammock, cause he's always loved his hammocks.  So I'm so happy he's finally gone home!  I hope these people take awesome care of him.  I think they will, they seemed like great people and like they really liked him, so I'm happy for him.  :)  <3 Frito.

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