Gypsy -- she is a pink white (beige mosaic) bred by Chins by Design. She is a B (2012) chin and got a 2nd place. The judge's comments were about good strength of fur, good clarity, knocked down to a 2nd because of size & volume of fur. Will be showing her again at the next show when she will be larger.
Next, we have Puff. Puff was bred here, she's a NWI Chin, and she is an A (2011) animal. Puff got 2nd as well. Comments about good size, good confirmation, good amount of fur. Bad clarity of color, muddiness, and fur somewhat laying down. Thinking her clarity of color problem may have had to do with the fact that she pen-stained herself right before the show. But, wanted to get comments on her as she didn’t place last year at Nationals as her fur was actually looking "curly" to the judges. It really is a beauty contest. But she got a 2nd here, and so we know what we need to work on.
Then we have Keisa. Keisa was bred here, she is a B (2012) chin. She was sold to a family and was returned a few months ago. Since a show was up and coming, we took her. She got a 3rd, which isn't too bad considering even at home, we were saying she had longer fur than we'd like, and it was somewhat laying down. The judge's comments were about problems with clarity of color and volume/strength of fur. She will soon be for sale.
Then we have Nytro. Nytro was Whitewoods bred and is a K (2000 baby). Yes, 2000, this is a 12, going-on-13, chin. He got a 3rd. Comments about great clarity of color considering age, lacking fur volume (but was noted that that was expected for his age), pinched in the neck. Same comments as when he got 2nd at 2011 Nationals. Just wanted to bring him cause we had room in the carrier.
He hasn’t bred any of his girls since last October so he may be telling us he’s done (he is 12 after all). Came home, found a hair ring on him, so removed that and we’ll see if anything improves.
And then we have Myshkin. Can't actually find my show pic of him, and I'm still on my netbook (laptop is waiting for someone to come repair) so I can't go digging for it. Myshkin was bred here, he is an ebony mosaic. He is a V (2008) baby. He did not place at the show. Comments about him being more of a costina type, not having very broad shoulders, and having short fur in neck area, and bad clarity of color. He was disqualified because of chewing (not his own, a female who he’d been put with – who will soon be up for adoption as a pet) and fur damage. His clarity of color was likely due to a pen stain. The reason we took him -- Myshkin placed 1st at 2012 MCBA Nationals -- however -- the comments were uber-vague and not so much related to strengths/weaknesses, but rather tuned towards “he’d be fun to work with to see what he produces” as he’s a heavily marked/extreme eb white. So I’m not too worried about his fur damage, just wanted to get better comments as to what we needed to work on to complement him. Which I did, so I’m happy about that.
Unrelated to absolutely anything else I am talking about, but wanted to share a cute picture of Toby with his paw resting on the pan.
Had a few donations in the last few days. On Oct. 13, we had two donations. First, Jim (has adopted several of our rats and is always on the lookout for cages for us) stopped by with some stuff. He said he bought a cage and it came with some chin stuff which he thought maybe we could use. He emailed me saying he might leave it on the porch. Which, I have to say, is how you can tell someone knows our crazy schedules, because he knows that if we don't schedule a time.... so anyway. Below is a picture of what he donated.
As for what it all is -- four cardboard tubes, a mostly filled bag of carefresh (which we already put to good use), two bags of chin food (junk chin food -- will likely go to our rats/hamster), a rat wheel, a metal litter pan, two hidey houses, (ours, which makes me wonder who this person was that he got this stuff from), a half-gallon water bottle, and a food bowl. Awesome!
Then at the Wisconsin show I got to meet Alena, who runs Moonlight Chinchillas & Rescue. Also met some other people I'd heard about but never actually got to meet -- Kristy Morici (ABC Chins - Crystal Lake, IL), Jim Ritterspach, Jeoff Fauber, Brenda & Brent Walter, Bobbie Shultz, and of course, we saw our friends, Tricia Rees and her family at the show (they were picking up some blue diamonds from Mark Miller). How I would love to have that kind of money. But anyway...
So I met Alena and I bought another pineapple toy from her and two other toys, and she donated a hanging toy and some toss toys to the rescue. Thanks Alena!
Then, we had some adoptions recently that I hadn't had a chance to yap about.
On the 11th, Delilah was adopted (again). Here she is with her new family:
On the 11th, also, one of our adoptive homes returned to add another rat baby to their family. Here they are with Nutmeg (their other baby adopted from here is a beige named Cinnamon).
On the 14th (today), another adoptive home returned to add more rats to their rat family. Here they are with their two newest rat babies -- both females, a black hooded and a black split capped
To yap a little more about adoptions, we had someone stop by this morning who had originally been looking at Delilah (who I nicely explained that a chin can get adopted again, if they don't quickly express interest and get our forms and all that filled out). So they were looking at chins this morning and said they'd let us know.
Then, I emailed the person who has one of our black babies on hold a few days ago. Still haven't heard back. With the ridiculous number of people falling through lately, I'm hoping I do hear back.
For the person with the white baby -- I looked at my records. I originally called her back (from her original call) on 9/25. She said she needed the adoption form and all mailed out, so I mailed her everything. She called on 10/1 and said she was almost ready to send the form, and wanted me to send another for her friend. I asked if she could just copy hers, and she said she'd already filled it out, so I told her, just have him write down his answers and mail it. Ok, so... we notice now it's the 14th and I haven't received anything, haven't gotten any calls, nothing. So today, I was going to call her (as she says she and her friend both don't have email... uh-huh... two teenagers don't have email. Right. Ok.) and I tried the number was incorrect. Not that like the number was disconnected or anything, but literally a recording that said I had the wrong number, hang up and try again. Oooook. So, I had been planning on telling her that she had til Wednesday to get me the form or the chin was going back up for adoption, so reach her or not, she has til Wednesday. From the 27th -- that would give her 20-21 days to have gotten the form back to me. That's 13-14 more days than the average person gets to keep a chin on hold so that's it. If she and her friend magically pop up after that, they can't adopt/buy. Sorry, but I'm getting a tad sick of people putting chins on hold and then taking advantage of my forgiving nature and walking all over me as I give them time to get their act together. And this all goes back to this -- if people don't want to adopt/buy, fine. But TELL ME. I just don't think it's that DIFFICULT, especially in the age of email and voicemail. So she's got til Wednesday.
Bought a chin (or two?) at the show. Got one from Bobbie Shultz, of Bobbie's Chinchillas, a beige breeder female. She says the chin needs a month or two recouperation, so she's going to stay separate until we switch her over to our food and then she can maybe go in with a cage of females and we'll maybe show her in a few months. Also got a 1A (means that it was the top 1st place in the class) beige from Brenda Walters. Gorgeous gorgeous animal. Will have to get pics of them, but not today.
So... we had this one potential person looking to drop off chins awhile back, who I hadn't heard from awhile, so I emailed them maybe a week ago. They got back to me on the 9th saying they had decided to keep the chins and were going to maybe get them a bigger cage. Well... come now, I get an email tonight saying they changed their mind and want to bring them in. Well, that didn't take long, did it?
Ok, few more pics and I'm done yapping for the night cause I have a shitton of chin-related paperwork that I need to enter into the necessary areas and put where it goes, and then ads to write.
Some pics of the new baby guinea pigs:
....and our one female, Chunk (hey, I said it so many times cause she was pregnant for so long that it stuck), had the three babies, so a few pics of that... she had a standard female, a heavily marked mosaic male, and a dark ebony female.
...and maybe tomorrow, some updated baby rat pics. But that's it for today.
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