Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Stupid people

So, today's one of those days where I just keep running into idiots. 

The notable one was this:

I've been looking for rats for a very long time and I would love it if I could buy two of yours. I do, however, have one problem. I'm not sure how I would be able to receive the rats because I live in New Jersey and am not able to travel that far. Would mailing the rats be too stressful an ordeal for them? Or are you willing to travel? If neither of those things are possible, I totally understand.

Not, would mailing be too expensive?  Cause, see, that would be a logical question, as shipping rats would be like $250+ for $15 worth of rats.  No, would it be too stressful.  Yes, it would be too stressful to mail a pair of baby rats halfway across the country.

Then -- am I willing to travel?  Oh yeah, 15 hour drive to New Jersey?  No problem.  775 miles, my phone says.  Yeah, sure, for a $15 adoption fee, a 15 hour drive of 775 miles is TOTALLY doable. 

I think some people have lost their minds.

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